Saturday, September 4, 2010

Have a Great Vacation on a Budget!

Vacationing on a budget is a good way to take some time away from your crazy work schedule without worrying about spending too much money. Even though travelling can be quite expensive, you could still go on an exciting trip with your friends and family by putting extra thought on every dollar you plan to spend.

Here are some tips that could guide you while planning an exciting vacation without breaking the bank.

Take a vacation in your hometown

What could be cheaper than spending a day or two touring some of the favorite places in your own hometown? Instead of booking expensive plane tickets or driving your car to a popular tourist destination, you should encourage your family and friends to accompany you for a vacation right in your hometown.

A few fun activities that you could do while having a ‘staycation' are: watching movies, organize barbeque parties or arrange picnics with your loved ones. You could visit local museums or hike nature trails in the area. Many people are unaware of the beauty and history in their own backyard!

Go on a road trip

Another example of an inexpensive family vacation is taking a camp trailer or tent and going on a road trip. There are a lot of great campgrounds around that you stay at inexpensively. Even in larger towns you can find a place to hook up a trailer for a modest nightly fee. Since you can cook your own food, etc., you will save lodging and meal money.

If you don't have your own travel trailer or tent, you can rent RV's and camping equipment for a reasonable fee. Check your local sporting goods store for rental locations.

Road trips are simple ways to spend more time with your family and to catch up with your precious friends. Hitting the road while playing some of your favorite songs could become more exciting than a trip to another country, plus you are building great memories!

Avoid peak seasons

If you really want to go on an out-town-trip by plane, you could still make vacationing on a budget possible by avoiding peak seasons. Most airlines usually have very high rates during particular months of the years, so you should refrain from booking flights during those months.

If your credit card has rewards for travelling, you could also make the most of it by getting discounts from some major airlines. Start reviewing your credit card's features and use it to get the best bargains for your plane tickets.

In addition to saving money on air travel, most tourist destinations are likely to be less busy in the off season. One of the best times to visit Disneyland is early November or late February. You are staying away from the holiday crowds, but the busy travel season hasn't started either.

Maximize the Internet

With so many travel sites on the internet, they are all competing for your travel dollar. Check various site and see where you can find the best deal. Some, like Hot Wire let you name a price and then they may or may not accept it. The catch is, you don't know what hotel or rental car company you are using until after your bid is accepted and you have paid. This option scares a lot of people because they are afraid of what they might get. However, this author has used Hot Wire several times and has been pleasantly surprised! They use major rental companies and hotels, so you are really getting a great deal!

You can also put in a ‘Low Fare' alert at Travelocity. This will allow you to watch the airfare to a certain location. You select the airport you want to fly into and what price you want the fare to go below for an email. They will then send you an email alert when the fare drops below your specified price. But act fast when you get the email, sometimes the fare only lasts a half hour or so!

It is possible to have a great vacation without spending a ton of money. Just use your imagination and find new options for accommodation and other travel expenses. Remember, your family won't remember how much you spent. They will remember how much fun you had together!